The way the book is set out, having these large chapters split up by many subchapters, is both good and bad. Mostly good. The bad side of it is it stops the flow of things and it becomes quite evident that each time you are almost completely submersed in the book, or you already are, you become yanked out and start all over again. That said, it does allow a broad range of topics to be touched upon, allowing almost everything to be covered, and everything seems to be in an appropriate section.
In between some subchapters there are passages from Chris Kyle's wife, Taya. At the beginning it confused me a little as to why it was needed to put these in and the effort it would make. Toward the end I began to realise that it put war into perspective for the reader - that as good as shooting the bad guys and blowing shit up sounds, there's always normal life that you eventually have to go back to and deal with what you've done over there. As much as attributing informative content, the passages could've gone a little bit better. Understandably trying to get as close as possible but there were some parts that seemed a little 'rambly'.
The conclusion, or last few subchapters, felt quite rushed and were very brief and short.
Overall, I would give this book a 9/10. It's informative, entertaining, and gives you an insight to what goes on and how people react afterwards.
You can pick this book up from Dymocks for $19.99AUD or from Amazon for your kindle for $9.99AUD
Word of warning though, as you know there are subchapters coming up at regular and short intervals, it's easy to keep saying "I'll just read until the next one...I think I can squeeze another one in" and then accidentally read for the entire day.
Cate-Marie xxx
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