Wisdom Teeth Weekend

This past Friday I had my wisdom teeth taken out and holy crap I don't think I've been this sore for so long before OR this swollen and bruised. I'll try not to get too specific with details, mainly they took out all four and with the bottom two, they had to cut my jaw bone to remove them successfully. Yeah, once the anaesthetic wore off, pain central.

Since Friday I've been religiously swallowing anti-inflammatorys, pain killers, and anti-biotics. Also gargling after I ate anything. I didn't know I could grow such a hate for gargling...

I'm still bruised and slightly swollen, and have a little bit of pain but it's manageable. For anyone whose planning on getting their wisdom teeth out anytime soon, here's a few tips that will make recovery sooo much easier;

1. You can never have too many pillows - your dentist/surgeon/whoever will tell you "you need to lay down with your head above your heart". I tried using only 2 pillows, seriously uncomfortable, 3 pillows I could deal with but you couldn't move otherwise you'd fall. Also teddies, new or old, make great companions whilst your stuck in bed. Try and gather as many pillows as you can and make yourself a nice pillow fort.

2. Jelly and ice-cream unfortunately does get old - jelly not so much as I love it but ice-cream gets boring fast. It is super easy to eat once you've learnt not to push food straight to the back of your mouth immediately, and the cold will feel nice with the pain. If there's a Baskin Robbins or any ice-cream joint near you, definitely head there beforehand and pick out a few favourites to take home in a tub.

3. Handheld entertainment is a life saver - I've been reading books like crazy recently and
am currently reading American Sniper so that's kept me fairly preoccupied. After I take my medicine and am no longer able to read I switch over to playing on my Nintendo 3DS XL. Guilty pleasure for me, but I love having something I can take anywhere and play - it's like my own little secret world all for me. Whilst there are great games such as the Zelda franchise and the Mario franchise, I'm addicted to Animal Crossing New Leaf. It's all so cartoony and colourful that it makes me feel like nothing can go wrong in there - and nothing does, after all it is rated G...

4. Stock up on movies, tv shows, and bookmark streams - luckily whilst I was stuck in bed there were CS:GO games on and someone was always streaming, but when there wasn't I would watch Big Bang Theory reruns and fall asleep to them. Sometimes when your so drowsy and are struggling to keep your eyes open or forming a coherent thought, watching something is incredibly relaxing. Especially if you don't like to read, or don't play games, definitely stock up on something to watch.

5. Get some help for the first two days - I was lucky enough to always have either my Mum, my Sister, or my Boyfriend helping me. As the medicine makes you drowsy and extremely dizzy, doing the simplest of tasks can become quite dangerous. Things such as getting food from downstairs, and refilling my cup (get the biggest glass you can to minimise having to do this) I needed assistance with. Also to help keep an eye on when I was due for more medicine, and helping me get from my bed to the bathroom was another thing I was too drowsy to do myself. The same thing goes for when you have to go out, make sure you have safe routes and hold off on taking all of your medicine unless there is someone with you to help you incase you become dizzy and disoriented. 

If you guys have any tips or tricks you used for when you had your wisdom teeth out or surgery let me know in the comments below!

Cate-Marie xxx

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